Supplying to Council

Working with us

All businesses or persons who have an interest in becoming a supplier to Goldenfields Water are encouraged to make a submission on tendering or quotation opportunities.

Goldenfields Water have developed a Statement of Business Ethics(PDF, 152KB) document to provide guidance and information on our expectations from suppliers, and what suppliers can expect when dealing with us.

Purchase Orders

Goldenfields Water uses purchase orders to form an agreement with a supplier to purchase goods, materials and services.  Creation of a purchase order allows the processing of invoices, and payment to the supplier once receipt of the goods, materials or services is complete.

In most cases, a purchase order will be sent to the preferred supplier once an agreed quotation has been met.  There will be no contract or agreement between Goldenfields Water and any supplier unless a purchase order is issued.

Purchase Order Terms and Conditions (PDF, 101KB)


Our eTendering website Tenderlink provides intuitive access to opportunities issued by Goldenfields Water as they are released.

By registering your details you will be automatically advised of notifications where Requests for Tender are issued.

Goldenfields Water Tenderlink website

Find out about our current tenders here